Welcome to the Rethinking Smart Objects '22 Workshop

There is an ongoing trend on embedding computing and communication capabilities into everyday objects, turning them into smart objects. Examples range from smart (tangible) objects over smart cars to even large-scale urban infrastructures. Other recent examples deal with the fabrication of smart objects, smart sensory augmentation, and smart spaces. This workshop will focus on how the intelligence situated in these smart objects can be harvested to provide more efficient and enjoyable interaction possibilities for the users. The underlying research fields pose unique challenges and opportunities for designing the interaction with such devices.

The Rethinking Smart Objects Workshop will focus on how the intelligence situated in these smart objects can be harvested to provide more efficient and enjoyable interaction possibilities. We seek high-quality contributions that explore the combination of intelligent interaction with the specific characteristics of smart objects. Topics include but are not limited to:

The Rethinking Smart Objects workshop will be held in conjunction with the
2022 ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ACM ISS 2022).
ISS 22 Logo


Martin Schmitz

Martin Schmitz Saarland University

Martin is a postdoctoral researcher at the Saarland University. His research interests include extended reality, haptics, and fabrication.
Sebastian Guenther

Sebastian Günther Technical University of Darmstadt

Sebastian is a doctoral researcher at the Technical University of Darmstadt focusing on haptics in VR and accessibility for persons with visual impairments.
Karola Marky

Karola Marky University of Glasgow

Karola is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Glasgow. Her research focuses on the intersection of cybersecurity and human factors, explicitly considering privacy aspects of ubiquitous technology and novel security interfaces based on tangible interaction.
Florian Mueller

Florian Müller LMU Munich

Florian is a postdoctoral researcher at the LMU Munich. His research courses on AR, VR, and body-centric interaction in and with the physical world.
Andrii Matviienko

Andrii Matviienko Technical University of Darmstadt

Andrii is a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Darmstadt. His research focuses on assisting technology in urban environments, particularly designing, constructing, and evaluating multimodal and mixed reality interfaces for vulnerable road users.
Alexandra Voit

Alexandra Voit adesso SE

Alexandra is currently working as a Senior Consultant at adesso SE in Stuttgart. In her Ph.D., her research focused on smart home notifications, including designing, prototyping, and evaluating smart home appliances providing everyday information to their users.
Roberts Marky

Roberts Marky Black Arrow Financial Solutions Ltd.

Roberts is a software engineer that is involved in core services development activities at BlackArrow Financial Solutions Ltd. There, he leads the backend development of financial apps that can be used on smart objects.
Max Mühlhäuser

Max Mühlhäuser Technical University of Darmstadt

Max is a full professor and head of the Telecooperation Lab at the Technical University of Darmstadt. He has published over 600 articles, chapters, and books on Ubiquitous Computing and related fields.
Thomas Kosch

Thomas Kosch Utrecht University

Thomas is an assistant professor at the Utrecht University. His research focuses on physiological interaction, including designing, prototyping, and evaluating physiological user interfaces embedded in smart objects.


We will post a detailed one-day agenda after the Camera-ready deadline.

Contact us!

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“Art and science create a tension therefore an opportunity. The engine behind old design is a vision, but vision is not technology. Technology is just a mean.”
-Hiroshi Ishii